I used the images from available resource.
This image of u-boot is not having tftp command in it. But however it has tftpboot.
1. Soo is it issue with image?
2. How to boot using tftpboot command? Can you please give any reference example?
U-boot image path. (https://phytecembeddedin-my.sharepoint.com/:f:/g/personal/rbdev_phytecembedded_in/EoI5CKL4f6VIna3Av0PLOWMBP2QwHxjn7Ok0ppFxgwh30w?e=pRTEud)
We don't have tftp command in u-boot image. See the attached image
tftpboot command is available. Please correct the commands in reference tftp 0x21FF0000 u-boot.bin -> tftpboot 0x21FF0000 u-boot.bin
U-boot image path. (https://phytecembeddedin-my.sharepoint.com/:f:/g/personal/rbdev_phytecembedded_in/EoI5CKL4f6VIna3Av0PLOWMBP2QwHxjn7Ok0ppFxgwh30w?e=pRTEud)