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Building Linux Distribution using Yocto
On INDIA's First
Single Board Computer
Linux Distributions

Build our own Linux Distribution for Embedded products
Custom embedded Linux images are build using build systems like Buildroot, Ptxdist, Scratchbox, Open Embedded & Yocto.
Yocto project has become the industry defacto to build custom embedded Linux distributions for custom Embedded Devices like Gateways, HMIs, and Edge Computing Devices.
Yocto not only builds custom Linux images but is also used to manage the package's distribution, building SDK for application development & automation of build tests & QA.

Whats there in Yocto
Training Content
Yocto Architecture
- Bitbake
- OpenEmbedded Core
- Poky reference project
- Configuration files
- local.conf
- machine.conf
- distro.conf
- Bitbake usage
Recipes in Yocto
- Recipe tasks
- Writing new recipe
- Basic examples recipes(
- Customizing recipes
- Customizing existing recipes (.bb)
- Create .bbappend file for existing recipe
- Yocto recipe classes
Layers in Yocto
- Understanding Recipes
- Layer in Yocto
- Creating new Layers
- Using existing Layers
- Git usage in yocto
- Create and apply patches
Yocto BSP Layers
- Bootloader
- Customize Bootloader Recipe
- Kernel
- Customize Bootloader Recipe
- Building Root File System
- Custom RFS Image
- Integrating IOT Packages to Yocto
( MQTT, libcoap... )
- Menu config support for kernel and Bootloader
Custom Distribution & Images
- Understanding Distro Layers
- Image types
- Custom Image type for custom Board & Applications
- Linux package management tools
- Package groups
- Package release versioning
Creating SDK using Yocto for
Application Development
- Generating SDK using Yocto
-Using SDK for Application development
©2020 by ruggedboard-blog
RuggedBoard Group
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