Ocean Exploration and Navigational Research is leading efforts by supporting with advanced vision techniques have shown potential in order to make measurements at the surface. The marine environment presents an almost ideal test-bed for the evaluation and development of robotic technologies. Robot sailing is a challenging task in both building and controlling therefore it brings together many different disciplines of mechanical, electronics and software. The sailing robot explores in interpretation of video footage, the identification of sailing features, human-robot interaction, vehicle control, position estimation and mechanical design. The robot will capture and sends the information to the base station which uses advanced image processing technology and compares relevant images by identifying features and which can change the locate for two mode auto mode and manual mode which will follow the object present on the surface of ocean.
Existing system
In existing systems we have humans using the boat for different expeditions which is under harsh environments with no consumable food and other basic requirements.
Humans are also succumbed to disease, fatigue, mental stress.

The block diagram of Ocean research system is as shown in the above frame. Pedals made of Mild Steel are fixed to the shafts of the DC motors. To move the frame forward, both the motors are operated in clockwise direction by the rugged board. The rugged board is used to obtain values of physical data segments through sensors and external devices connected to it. To turn left / right, one motor is rotated in clockwise and the other is rotated in counter-clockwise directions. Pick and place operation is done by robotic arm. The other key factor which must be considered in designing such a vessel is that of the sail type. Traditional fabric sails are typically controlled through a series of ropes known as sheets, these frequently break or jam (particularly when swollen by salt water) and require regular attention from the crew. All objects which have a temperature greater than absolute zero possesses thermal energy and are sources of infrared radiation as a result.
Sources of infrared radiation include black radiators tungsten lamps and silicon and silicon carbide. Infrared sensors typically use infrared lasers and LEDs with specific infrared wavelengths as sources. When an object is close to the sensor, the light from the LED bounces off the object and into the light sensor. This results in a large jump in the intensity, which we already know can be detected. Performing such tasks autonomously would incur significant overheads resulting in excessive power usage, weight and financial cost. Metal detectors work on the principle of transmitting a magnetic field and analysing a return signal from the target and environment. The transmitted magnetic field varies in time, usually at rates of fairly high-pitched audio signals. The magnetic transmitter is in the form of a transmit coil with a varying electric current flowing through it produced by transmit electronics. The receiver is in the form of a receive coil connected to receive and signal processing electronics. The transmit coil and receive coil are sometimes the same coil. The coils are a coil housing which is usually simply called “the coil,” and all the electronics are within the electronics housing attached to the coil via electric cable and commonly called the “control box”. This changing transmitted magnetic field causes electric currents to flow in metal targets.
These electric currents are called eddy currents, which in turn generate a weak magnetic field, but their generated magnetic field is different from the transmitted magnetic field in shape and Strength. It is the altered shape of this regenerated magnetic field that metal detectors use to detect metal targets. A potential alternative is that of a rigid wing shaped sail attached directly to the mast. The sail is manipulated through the rotation of the entire mast via an electric motor. Dual H-Bridge motor driver, so with one ic we can interface two DC motors which can be controlled in both clockwise and counter clockwise direction and if you have motor with fix direction of motion. Make use of all the four I/Os to connect up to four DC motors. This design eliminates common points of failure found in traditional sails and is therefore ideal for use in an autonomous sailing vessel.
Performance based on rugged board is easier to communicate with external peripherals based on their requirements.
Proven process for Prototyping till Mass Manufacturing
Off-the-shelf Single Board Computer for IIOT
Freedom to modify Schematics and layout sources of the Carrier board & Sensor modules
Feature rich & highly cost optimized platform
Simple & Powerful Open Source Software IoT Stack
Man less intervention in extreme conditions
Deep Jungle Rivers
Understanding Sea bed heights
Can be used to understand ocean life study
1) Man less sailing helps in extreme condition like bad weather where human movement is difficult.
2) Human physical condition is limited to strain, fatigue and diseases where in robots will be of good help.
3) Gps can help in navigation where human eye and camera is limited to vision.
You have provided good information and the usability of ruggedBOARD-A5D2x in marine applications. Keep it up.